Thursday, January 25, 2018

Meaning in Poerty

Meaning in poetry can be very salient. Though poetry is often thought to be one of the most strenuous forms of literature, its idvisuality is what makes it so exceptional. Because it is almost like poetry exists to be interpreted, it seems nearly impossible to create a poem that is absent of any form of meaning and purpose. I belie meaning is critical in any form of storytelling, therefore it must be critical in the art of poetry. Anyone writer or any person could effortlessly string alluring phrases and exquisite words together to form a unclear poetic sequence, but a great poet, use forms and devices to convey a message that can understood and taken away by any reader that comes across said poem.

When it comes to visual arts, meaning can be thought of in a very similar way. Any artist or any person could make a piece of work that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but a great artist or a master could create a work that is both that, and pleasing to the mind. Both writing and art are truly one in the same. They help the creator learn about themselves in the process, but they also help the audience learn a great deal as well. Is it important when creating, that you must forget that it will made for the entirety of the population. If you value sounding elegant and sophisticated over the content of the piece, the meaning will be lost.  

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